Control Systems Integration

Pioneering Advanced Control Technology for Mining Since 1964.

Rail Yard Control Console


Dual 600 HP Belt Center

Dual 600HP VFD Belt Center


We design and build custom control enclosures and buildings to meet the widely varying demands of our customers


Our in-house staff of engineers and project managers works with you to design and develop the most complicated control systems.


Our project management specialists work with the sales, design, and production teams to streamline the integration of procurement and fabrication of your custom designed control system.

L - Integrated Dual Belt Controller, M - Belt Control Module, R - Single Power Module

Dual 600HP VFD Belt Center

Our goal is to satisfactorily deliver the highest quality in control products and supporting services to assure safe, reliable, cost-efficient and user-friendly operating systems, to exceed our customer's controls system and/or control product needs.